We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to report that the budding romance between The Pack Mom and MK is no longer. Deal breakers = Distance. Time. Attention. Needs.
What started magically a couple of months ago showed so much promise, such potential, but these are not the only two people on the planet capable of producing chemistry, and now, without a doubt, our heroine knows she is ready to See and Be Seen. And she still doesn't need to settle or jump into anything serious on the 2nd or even 3rd date ;)
Moreover, our fearless leader is convinced that MK came into her life when she did because Ex-h needed a champion in a bad way. More then what this couple taught each other and learned about themselves during the course of their eye opening affair, getting Ex-h on his feet and in a direction leading out of the Pack's basement was a gift greater then any the Pack could have dreamed into existence.
So. What's next for our heroine? Stay tuned....
The answer is...great great things!