Saturday, May 12, 2012

Philanthropist is Not in the Job Description

It's four o'clock in the morning and I have been awake for two hours. For once it's not Riley's fault; no, this time it is me who is hungry. Laying there, I found I was asking myself one question, repeatedly.

"What are you doing?"

I'm certainly not applying for martyrdom. I am no philanthropist. So why am I suffering? Why am I stressed out, depressed, and hungry? Oh I know why, but still it seems appropriate to ask myself.

"What are you doing?"

Your guess is as good as mine. You see, I have not been married to Bird's dad since she was four years old. That's when I realized, hey, you're not a heterosexual. Duh. So why, 13 years later, has he been living in my basement for five months? Seemingly without a care in the world. Streaming his stupid programs on Netflix day after day, sleeping, eating, using resources I should not have to provide. In essence I am a single mother. One who has not only not received child support since said ex-h quit his secure civil servant job, what two years ago? But one who is stupid enough to go ahead and foot the bill for his daily existence.

Seriously. I have to be done with this. Of the several things I cannot control this is not one of them.


  1. You have you and Bird to worry about. He cannot drag you down into his negativity. You've got way too many other things to deal with. It's time for D to take care of D and what D wants. Self preservation is not selfish. Do what you need to do and those that live you, like we do, will be in your corner no matter what.

    1. That was supposed to say those that love you. Damn iPhone!
